Please note effective Monday, March 1st, 2021, the dojo will be re-opening for regular Iaido, Yoga and Aiki-Buki classes per their regularly schedule time slots.

Aikido classes for Little Samurai, Youth and Adult classes will be returning once the local Health Unit for Windsor/Essex adjusts the Covid 19 status for the region to Orange or better. A final decision once that status is reached will be made at that time.

In the interim, classes that will be in attendance will follow all local health guidelines in addition to required provincial regulations. Social distancing will be maintained through out all classes, masks to be worn, temperature checks for all individuals entering the facility and sign-in sheets to be maintained for contact tracing purposes.

The dojo will also continue to follow its own additional guidelines concerning local facility usage – hand sanitizer will be available, mats will be cleaned after each class as well as bathroom facilities and the change rooms will be off limits. As such, students should arrive for class already in uniform.
